Pure Gonzo Engineering

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Only Thing I Ever Really Loved was Hate.

Looks like all the dudes working overtime at the office are the ones who aren't getting laid.

Furthermore, a study at the University of Gottingen in Germany found that people who do it less often tend to take on more work to compensate for their frustration. And the increased labor results in—you guessed it—even less sex.

I like any excuse to rip on those idiots who are working excessive unpaid overtime.

Is being forced to take vacation on a certain day Fascism?

On February the Second I'll be going to the Peoria Civic Center to see a little band by the name of Slipknot. I'm expecting a sweet show. If it's not better than a Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie show I'll be highly disappointed. Any spectacle with a guy in a clown mask beating a beer keg with a baseball bat is worth my time.

Here's a little tune of theirs.

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  • You know what's lame about your concert going though? How you're sitting in a fucking seat instead of standing in general admission. And how you did it on purpose so your wife, who thinks sitting in seats at rock concerts is lame, wouldn't go.

    Don't forget to pack your ear plugs for when it gets loud and your cardigan sweater for when it gets cold and your binoculars for when you can't see the stage. :/

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:59 PM, December 11, 2008  

  • Oh snap!

    Don't forget your earplugs and your Phil Collin's T shirt you freaking hippie!!!

    Are your parents dropping you off Mr. Hockeyman?

    Show us your Winger Tattoo...!

    By Blogger Steve, at 10:06 PM, December 11, 2008  

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