Pure Gonzo Engineering

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

There Will Always Be Yesterday

This afternoon I went out to play on my D6T since I was waiting for a response as to whether or not I needed to test more.

As I carved into the side of a twelve-foot tall wall of dirt, I began to try and recall the dreams I’ve had the past two nights. I’ve known I was dreaming the past two nights, and can recall the dreams were emotionally intense, but I can’t remember the content.

My subconscious must be in turmoil, if dreams are the subconscious trying to communicate with the conscious self.

Or maybe it’s just random neurons firing in my brain while I sleep. People, places, and things I’ve been encountering the last two days in some happenstance order that seems to make sense. Some twisted story line that will never, and has never happened. Big things are happening, are going to happen, that are out of my control.

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