Pure Gonzo Engineering

Saturday, December 30, 2006

9 Days Three Houses Too Many Families

Finally home again and have all of the new shit put away from the gift giving madness. I learned a few things while I was away.

  1. Never question John Tesh when he tells you to buy a board game. He knows his shit when it comes to quality family entertainment. Check out Apples to Apples if you get a chance, it’s super fun.
  2. Little kids are messy, especially the ones that can get to everything that’s within their little monkey grasps. If you can’t handle that, then you shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy all the nice little things about them.
  3. Left to their own devices with adequate food and water, cat’s will manage to fuck up their automatic litter box to the point they are too scared to use it any longer and will then proceed to shit in your basement and pee on your luggage.
  4. Other people’s rules and requirements and traditions are bizzaro.
  5. I love not having to shave. (Even if it is only the gross neck scruff)
  6. I always feel bad when I have to take leave of my parent’s house, this after I tried so hard to get out and stay away for those years.
  7. I could watch my son waddle and stumble around forever. He figured out what Ow and the sign for hurt actually mean this week. He’s so fucking smart!
  8. Saint Jimmy’s food makes my tummy happy :)
  9. I think it’s time for a new tattoo
  10. Crazy is as crazy does.
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, I give this holiday season an 8.375
