Pure Gonzo Engineering

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


A shiny nickel if you know what that's from. Very obscure and short reference...

So we got our house. At least we get our house on May 27. I'm pretty excited, although now it means that in the next few months I have to do the two things a I hate most in this world, painting and moving.

I feel strange. I can't really describe it. Kind of flippant and insane. The fear is coming back. I thought it was gone, but it's coming closer. I'd say I'm a month or so away from having an episode. I should find a therapist before that, a real one. I better get all the therapy I can before next year, they're changing our insurance. That's the one good thing about Canada, Cuba, Sweden, and any other socialist paradise... you don't pay anything for your health. I think most people in the US are dillusional about how they would be in a socialist society. There are times when I'd rather not have the desire to have things and want to be successful at my job. Life would be easier.

Anyway, I can't really think of anything else to say



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