Pure Gonzo Engineering

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Like a Nail in the Head

I’ve started a new test, so I’m not in the office now, which makes posting when I have moments of inspiration difficult.

I’ve got some time while my machine warms up now.

Last night sucked.

We went to Wal-mart to buy some stuff we needed for upcoming events. All the horrendous people there made me pretty sure they’re isn’t a God. Carter was terrible. My wife said he was happy and nice all day long.

When we got home I needed to grab a bin of clothes out of the attic so my wife could sort through it. Our attic is an unfinished side of our story-and-a-half. There is this support that runs the length of it that I need to bend down to get under. I moved some of the bins around and found the one I wanted as I bent under the support. My head moved up.

Sharp blinding pain in my skull. I made some sort of shouting noise. Louder than my normal "Shit I bumped my head" noise. Something was different about this pain. Something more. I closed my eyes and felt my head.


I looked at the support. Some stupid sonofabitch decided to nail two 2X4’s together with a three and a half inch nail. About a quarter or half inch was sticking out the bottom. It had glanced off my skull and cut the skin.

I was angry and in pain. I had my wife clean up the wound and went and got my hammer like I was going to get a gun.

My blood pressure rose as I beat the shit out of every one of the spikes that this ignorant asshole (who I would guess is dead) decided to leave exposed in an area where people would be hunched over and crawling in.

I went down and took one and half times the recommended pain killers.

I contemplated if the nail had been longer. Would I have lost high school if I would have hit it square and hard enough? Would I have become a living zombie, drooling to communicate. One brief motion for a small lobotomy.

The extra painkillers made me drowsy. I slept with Carter, my wife woke me up when she went to bed. I massaged her hands to try and alleviate the pregnancy induced carpal tunnel and then went to sleep again.

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  • Great Wal-Mart page here:


    Like my house but I have 100 years and three stories of people thinking they were cool so they hung shit up without taking other shit down... Plumbing is a nightmare to undo and fix. I actually am done except for the sink in the basement that looks brand new because no one uses it. It is bound to leak though...

    By Blogger Steve, at 10:33 PM, April 16, 2008  

  • nice html...

    Here is Walmart

    Gotta manually do it...

    By Blogger Steve, at 10:34 PM, April 16, 2008  

  • Funny shit, If I'm leaving and the alarm goes off and several other people are also leaving I just keep on walking. Everyone else stops to get questioned. I never thought about the Sams club Costco thing.

    By Blogger lawryde, at 8:37 AM, April 17, 2008  

  • you guys feel the quake?

    By Blogger Steve, at 5:22 PM, April 18, 2008  

  • I did, it woke me up. Lawryde slept through it. This is the second one I've felt since moving to Illinois.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:43 PM, April 18, 2008  

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