Pure Gonzo Engineering

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Kitchen Remodel Day 5

Beer and painkillers are all that is allowing me to type this right now. It's 1:45 AM. We finished tiling the kitchen about an hour ago. We started laying tile at about noon. We had some other finish up sort of things to do before we laid the tile, so it was about a 16 hour day. I've put in about 33 in the past 48. My body is paying the price. It feels like there are knifes stuck in my back, my hands are skinned up from the cement board, and my feet are swollen and sore from being in boots and bending down all day. This is why people pay to have other people do their kitchen. It's looking pretty damn nice though.

Dry laying the tile to make sure it worked out on the ends.

My first patch of laid tiles ever. It's the spot under the fridge so if I messed it up it wouldn't show. It turned out pretty good.

Kitchen area all laid.

Last tile.

If anyone ever tells you laying 170 square feet of tile is easy, tell them to piss-off.

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