I’ll put up with that and a whole lot more.
I forgot in my last post to mention I got my performance review before I move to my new position within Opposite of Dog. It was good, I got a 3a, which is above average and will get me 3% (prorated for 6 months) in addition to my 3% for the developmental move I’m making. That’ll put me at roughly 82K after all boní are applied. Where does all our fucking money go?
My current boss is cool, much better than my old boss. He asked me if he had any comments about the section or him. I told him he was cool, and that he was one of my all time best bosses ever, he ranks right up there with meat-man Mike Terrell. Good bosses are willing to listen and teach, and not get in your fucking way when you’re trying to get your work done. They’re also willing to fight for you. I told him that he should avoid the bullshit that was pulled on me with my old boss and team leader. He should judge his employees based on what they are doing, not on what others perceive them doing.
Then, since he’s always been straight with me, I showed him my sleeves. He had asked one time at lunch if I had tattoos as a reached for my drink and a bit peaked out from under my shirt. I said no, which wasn’t a complete lie. I don’t have “a” tattoo. I have many tattoos. Again, he showed how cool he was and just chatted a bit with me about them. He told me not to show them at my new position, which I knew. I’ve bought several long sleeve Under Armour and Nike Dri-Fit gear for the heat of working outside.
It finally rained yesterday. It felt good this morning, after the heat and frustration of yesterday, cooler and wet.
My current boss is cool, much better than my old boss. He asked me if he had any comments about the section or him. I told him he was cool, and that he was one of my all time best bosses ever, he ranks right up there with meat-man Mike Terrell. Good bosses are willing to listen and teach, and not get in your fucking way when you’re trying to get your work done. They’re also willing to fight for you. I told him that he should avoid the bullshit that was pulled on me with my old boss and team leader. He should judge his employees based on what they are doing, not on what others perceive them doing.
Then, since he’s always been straight with me, I showed him my sleeves. He had asked one time at lunch if I had tattoos as a reached for my drink and a bit peaked out from under my shirt. I said no, which wasn’t a complete lie. I don’t have “a” tattoo. I have many tattoos. Again, he showed how cool he was and just chatted a bit with me about them. He told me not to show them at my new position, which I knew. I’ve bought several long sleeve Under Armour and Nike Dri-Fit gear for the heat of working outside.
It finally rained yesterday. It felt good this morning, after the heat and frustration of yesterday, cooler and wet.
Labels: Disenfranchisement and Delusion within Corporate America, Life's Bullshit, Reminiscing, Tattoos
It does seem like we should have alot more, doesn't it? Maybe I spend it all on fabric and yarn
Anonymous, at 11:52 PM, June 19, 2007
Yeah... 82k and your wife makes clothes at home. What do those tattoos cost anyway?
If I ever have the misfortune of ending up in Peoria... I am gonna look you up to take me to one of those tattoo shops and get me some ink done.
Steve, at 2:06 AM, June 20, 2007
I'll buy the beer after.
lawryde, at 7:56 AM, June 20, 2007
um, yeah, where does all the money go? you are making more than Doug and I combined. Time for you to start helping us!
I don'y get why you can't show the tattoos on your arms...as long as you are an intelligent and productive employee and team worker, the rest should not matter. You really have sold your soul ti the man...for 82K
Anonymous, at 3:01 PM, June 20, 2007
That's before tax so 30% is gone right away, 401K, then we have student loans, two car payments, Mortgage, 5 figures of credit card debt that I'm trying to pay off within a year and a half, Carter, and food, water, cable, internet, garbage pickup, cell phones, car insurance, bug killing, pets, hockey, and gyms... gym, what's a gym?... oh a gyms.
lawryde, at 3:46 PM, June 20, 2007
Hey the best day of your life is when those student loan payments are gone!! It's like you got a new job. You like get to the end of the month after all the bills are paid and you contribute to savings and you are like, "Shit... I have like $500 left"
Smart getting out off the cards. I try to hold no balances but with in three weeks I had a sick dog and a washer/dryer unit blow out. No credit card debt is a great feeling. It feels good to save for the nice TV or something to pay cash for it.
Steve, at 11:00 PM, June 20, 2007
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