Pure Gonzo Engineering

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Yeah, and Maybe I'm a Chinese Jet Pilot

I have nothing else to write about so it's going to be this sexist post about women's hockey.

In particular Chinese Women's hockey. It's really just painful to watch. It's so slow and so lack luster. It's like looking at a Kohl's women's underwear add when you could be having sex.

I'm sure if the Chinese worked on it they could have the best women's team. Which is like being the being the winner of the ugliest dog competition.

I had watched like two women's games and then saw the men's Canada vs. Norway, and I could barely follow the action, my mind had fallen so asleep and docile. It was like coming out of the dark ages into the Renaissance.

For any women who read this blog, I'm really sorry. You're sex is just not exciting to watch play hockey. I'm not a huge fan of watching sport in general so I need something to wow me.



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