Pure Gonzo Engineering

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Calling a Spade a Spade

Apparently that phrase is not racist as it predates the racial slur of calling African American's "spades". (I wasn't going to title the post this, but I checked and it's OK.)

So I've found that Menards yard rats are the same jack off no nothings even when they work at the upscale we're too good for Peoria one in Washington. Fucking pretentious Washington.

We got some carpet for the basement today and they didn't have enough at the Peoria Menards so we had to go to pick up our third 15' section at the one in Washington. I had to go to the yard to pick it up. Ugh, I thought I'm going to have to talk to a dirty yard rat. Literally the bottom rung of societies jobs. (It's funny I was worried about being racist at the beginning of this post. Although yard rats are not a race, just a socioeconomic class I think.)

So I drive to the gate the head yard rat tells me to go to, and I talk to this kid who looks like a slacker geek. I hate to judge books by their covers, being a tattooed engineer, but I do it all the time. I think I've thought every person I've ever met (including friends) is a huge jackass who I'd never want to associate with, and then later find out they are pretty cool.

I don't think that would happen with this kid. He goes and gets my carpet, which isn't already cut like they said it would be. He comes back with this other kid and they give me some quick mental math thing about how much they gave me, which doesn't sound right to me. He claimed he gave me more than what I paid for and he had "saved me big money by shopping at Menards" I smiled a pained smile and thanked him.

I hurried out of the yard so as not to draw any more yard rats to my vehicle.

When I unrolled the carpet I think he gave me a bit less than I actually paid for, luckily I over estimated to allow for some scrap. Seriously, can't trust a yard rat.

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