Pure Gonzo Engineering

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Fun with Maps

Like I've said, I usually don't like posting political things on my blog, unless they really affect my life, but I kind of liked this one.

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Seems the majority of people are finally realizing that Bush is actually a terrible leader. He doesn't know what the fuck to do with his mess in Iraq, gas prices are soaring through the roof, all we ever hear is that he's "on vacation". Must be nice, while the rest of us are busting ass trying to make money so we can just get to our shitty job, he's off chopping wood and riding his bike with Lance "Why did you hold on to my old urine and test it" Armstrong.

That's right kids, GW's presidency has jumped the shark. It's all downhill from here for him. Excuse me while I go shed a tear.



  • I appreciate your map, as it helps prove many, many points.

    I would like to go on vacation, chop wood, and ride bikes with lance, I'd rather not have ANYONE handle my urine tests..but that's a different story.

    Hope your house is comin along, especially the plumbing.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:40 PM, August 31, 2005  

  • (wincing) Holy Crap I didn't know you had it in you. Jumped the shark... That was actually funny... It just took me a total of 5 minutes to explain that to my wife. Are ya waiting for cousin Oliver?

    That map is so "liberal media" it doesn't even begin to hold water. Why? What are the percentages? Pull the county maps? Uh... The polls are made up to favor negativity with Bush. He has nowhere to go but down. He's a lame duck after 2006. Three liberal myths:

    1. Bush caused 9/11 (Would have happened anyway)

    2. Bush is a war monger (If another guy was in office, we'd be in a war with another country not directly because of 9/11 but because we Americans were out for blood. Face it, there needed, er uh needs to be a shake down in the middle east, read this from the Clinton era.)

    3. Bush should not have acted alone. (I don't know who is more spineless France or the UN. If the UN would have upheld its "resolutions" there'd be no coalition of the willing, there'd be full NATO involvement. If France had stuck with it, it'd be done. It is not Bush's fault that France, Germany and even Spain backed out of Iraq.)

    A fourth one? Bush is not responsible for the price of oil. Granted oil companies are making record profits. But, only because the price is higher. Why is it higher? Try looking at the burgeoning economies of China and India. China is industrializing at a never before seen pace. Since 40% of the world population is in India and China, it is easy to assume the demand on oil. Try buying other raw materials like cement, iron, wood, and raw chemicals like caustic soda and silicones (See this). Prices are through the fucking roof! Yet because there is a war, a Republican in office and a national debt, it all can be blamed on the conservatives. There are leftists in the world today blaming Hurricane Katrina on Bush not signing the Kyoto Pact. There were hurricanes as big, if not bigger than Katrina, before and there will be more after. Lawryde, I understand where you are coming from but you can't believe all this bullshit that is fed to us by the media. It's like Mork showing up on Happy Days. It don't make sense.

    By Blogger Steve, at 12:33 AM, September 01, 2005  

  • Steve,
    You make some very good points. While I can not legally say what I think of our government adminastration, I do think we would be in similar straits regardless of who's adminastration was running the country.


    By Blogger JPerry, at 1:15 AM, September 02, 2005  

  • All I'm saying is GWB is a shitty leader. He's doing a BAD job. He's not being the rock that the nation can turn to.

    By Blogger lawryde, at 7:12 AM, September 02, 2005  

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