Pure Gonzo Engineering

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I'm all chapped

The work continues...

I've finally got all the fucking tack strips and staples and nails out of the hardwood in the dining room. What a bitch that was. Those staples are little devils. I got stuck about 4 times. I hope my Tetanus is up to date. After that I swept up the floor, and now it's about ready to sand down. I still need to put some wood putty in the nail and staple holes, but that should go pretty quick.

Both of the bathrooms are 98% done. They will need some minor paint touch-ups.

The plan for the next three days is to work the painting in the kitchen and dining room. So I'll need to tape everything, paint all the trim white, and then apply the orange-ish color. Hopefully I can get this all done so that it will have enough time to dry fully before we start to sand the dining room floors, which will start on Saturday.

We're building shit now at work. I'm living right now, the reason all engineers become engineers: to see something you've designed and thought up become a reality. I gots to head over to the factory in a few here and oversee the build.

Also, it looks like I sold my trip to Merry Old England. Sweet, nothing like seeing the world on someone else's dime.(Disclaimer: also to do work, of course!)

Remember kids: That shit takes you when it takes you, ****er



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